Pershan Law - Connecticut Law Attorney | Divorce
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A Local Practice Dedicated To You

At The Law Office of Alyssa S. Pershan, LLC, we help individuals address a wide range of important legal issues.

If you are ending your marriage, we can help protect your rights, your property, and your parental interests.

Based in Enfield, Connecticut, and serving clients throughout Hartford and Tolland counties, we provide services in family law and divorce, that can help you through these difficult times.


When you work with our firm, we focus on prompt and effective legal solutions, however we never forget about the human side of your matter. We understand that this is not just a legal issue for you — it may also involve your family, your well-being and your future. We know that personal and responsive service is highly important to you during this time.

Getting through divorce.

Divorce is one of the most difficult life events that you can go through. Not only do you face the end of a significant relationship and numerous heightened emotions, you also have to transition into life as a single individual again and will face a range of complex legal issues in the process.

Child custody hurdles.

Whether you are the primary physical custodian or the nonprimary caregiver, our law firm will ensure that your custody rights are protected. We can discuss options in physical and legal custody, and help you maintain an important presence and decision-making ability in your children’s lives.

Dividing your assets.

Dividing a marital estate during a divorce is one of the most complex and highly contested issues. Our law firm can help you conduct a comprehensive inventory of your marital estate, including real property, bank accounts, retirement and investment accounts, as well as all debts and liabilities.

Your Divorce Matter Will Receive Our Full Attention

As a smaller practice, we maintain a manageable caseload therefore we give all our clients the full attention they deserve right when it is needed. This means when you choose our law firm, you will work directly with Attorney Pershan, from the very first meeting until the conclusion of your case.


During your initial consultation, you can expect a professional and caring attorney to listen attentively to your specific story and unique concerns. Attorney Pershan will provide clear legal explanations, help you identify practical legal goals, and present the best options for moving forward.

Throughout the duration of your case, we will provide regular status updates and are prepared to answer new questions as they arise. We understand this is a stressful time for you, and being able to speak to your lawyer sooner rather than later will help put your mind at ease. When you call, if Attorney Pershan is not immediately available, she will respond quickly.


Dividing a marital estate during a divorce is one of the most complex and highly contested issues. Our law firm can help you conduct a comprehensive inventory of your marital estate, including real property, bank accounts, retirement and investment accounts, as well as all debts and liabilities.


One of the most important steps will be to determine what is marital property and what is separate. If there are issues of commingling these two, we are prepared to help you trace the assets.


In terms of divorce, Connecticut is an equitable division state. This means the division of property will be fair, but not necessarily equal. Once we establish the ownership of all property, we provide close guidance on reasonable property division goals, and develop a solid strategy to help you obtain them.


Our law firm advocates for negotiated or mediated property settlement agreements, in order to save our clients the time and money associated with trial. However, in the event that a mutual agreement cannot be reached, we are fully prepared to litigate at trial.


Attorney Pershan can also help you address the issue of temporary and permanent alimony. Whether you are the higher wage-earning spouse, or if you are the one seeking spousal support, she will help ensure your financial rights are protected.

The Most Common Issues We Help With

Facing a legal issue does not have to feel overwhelming when you work with the right attorney.

Contact our law firm at 860-818-2508 to discuss your matter with an experienced Enfield lawyer.

Division Of Marital Property
Visitations & Parenting Time
Child Support Battles
Relocations & Modifications
Child Custody Disagreements

Moving on with your life.

At The Law Office of Alyssa S. Pershan, LLC, we are here to help you weather the storm when ending your marriage. While we offer practical and realistic advice about your rights and options, we also know that you need supportive service during this difficult time. At each stage of the process, we are here to take your calls, answer any questions, and provide guidance from beginning to end.


While the majority of our cases may be resolved efficiently through negotiation or plea discussions, Attorney Pershan is a seasoned litigator and is fully prepared to advance to trial in order to protect your rights.


Contact Our Enfield Law Firm

Facing a legal issue does not have to feel overwhelming when you work with the right attorney. Contact our law firm at today to discuss your matter with an experienced Enfield attorney.


The Law Office of Alyssa S. Pershan, LLC

16 Shaker Road Enfield, CT 06082

Phone: 860-818-2508

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